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Lincoln Logs and Canadian Logs
Construction Sets

Lincoln Logs was a wooden construction system for making log cabins and other buildings. It was invented in 1917 and is still made in the USA. Their website is https://www.basicfun.com/lincoln-logs.html. The same system was also marketed in Canada (at least by Playskool) under the name 'Canadian Logs'.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Originally - Lincoln Logs, 1750 N. Lawndale Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, USA
From late 1960s - Playskool Inc. (Division of Milton Bradley Company), Chicago, Illinois 60651, USA.
Later - K'nex Limited Partnership Group, Hatfield, PA, USA.
Now - Basic Fun, Inc. USA

Below there are manuals/leaflets and photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Photos of a Lincoln Logs set 2c, dating from the 1960s
(Added 26/05/2022)

Photos of Lincoln Logs set 3c, dating from the 1960s
(Added 26/05/2022)

Photos of Lincoln Logs set 891 by Playskool
(Added 26/05/2022)

Photos of another Lincoln Logs set by Playskool
(Added 26/05/2022)

Photos of a Lincoln Logs set by Knex to make Lake Union Lodge
(Added 26/05/2022)

Photos of a Canadian Logs set by Playskool
(Added 26/05/2022)